Product Name : Neon signs / light boxes production
Item# : 23526-341
Model : 23526-341
Was Price: CNY0/Pieces
Now Price : CNY0/Pieces
Last update : 2010.07.21
Manufacturer : Yi Chen Shanghai Advertising Co., Ltd.

Neon is a cold cathode glow discharge, the radiation spectrum has a strong ability to penetrate the atmosphere, colorful and gorgeous, scene, light efficient than ordinary incandescent lamp, and its structure is rich and expressive lines, can be made of any geometric shape bending processing to meet the design requirements, through electronic control, the pattern may be changing colors and text are popular.

The bright neon lights, the United States, dynamic characteristics, is not a substitute for any electric light source, in all kinds of new light sources are emerging and competition dominate.

As the cold cathode neon glow discharge, so an acceptable quality of their life neon 20000 - 30000 hours.

With the rapid development of China's economy, neon variety, has the basic series specifications, the choice for a variety of purposes, their quality has been gradually moving closer to international standards, with the level of China's accession to WTO and the gap will become increasingly international small, in the near future, we must catch up with international advanced level, but in the current conditions of market competition, but also a small number of companies and integrity, in some users do not understand the performance of neon, where the quality, production, production of inferior products dumping in the market and affect the reputation of neon lights. In order for large customers familiar with the neon lights, neon know, we briefly introduce some neon lights in this species, specifications and the production of neon in the main equipment to help users identify "neon" good or bad.

3, the role of neon colors
Neon signs, advertising an important family, beautiful family. High ground in the city, Commercial Street high-rise roof, store awning, and even lamp posts are covered with colorful, dazzling array of neon signs. Neon advertisements for the beautification of the city, dotted commercial outlets for dissemination of advertising information to guide consumers have achieved a lot. Neon is the main public spaces at night, advertising media, and their use of the wide impact of which is outdoor advertising compared to other media is difficult to match the. Neon and advertising, in the urban "light," it contributed to create a celebration atmosphere.
Symbolism and neon colors indicative
Neon production in addition to the graphics, layout design should pay attention to artistic treatment, the use of color on the neon design constitutes a very important success factor. In visual communication with the primary role of color, people of color the feeling that some of the most common form of beauty. All the different colors and different color combinations can directly affect the feelings of those who feel, and direct and effective way to attract attention, inspire memories, resulting in imagination, to think, about emotions, feelings tend to form, produce a certain psychological effect. The formation of the corresponding visual impact and image of the appeal.
Production in neon, on the understanding and use of specific colors, different from the paintings in general, while its unique artistic and utilitarian.
1, the attention of neon colors - neon colors to make the dramatic effect of color contrast techniques can be used to generate unique sense of color and color combinations, and contribute to the image of neon light work around the things that is different from and the environment, the formation of color vision; impact, lead to attention. Comparison of different color combinations, you can create a colorful, bright and lively, it can be dignified elegance, elegant, works with the consumer in the moment of contact, move the consumer, increase the intensity of attention, the first in the formation of ad impressions color first wins of people, and left a deep impression.
2, the symbol of neon colors and suggestive - the use of neon advertising design in the symbolism of different colors, through the organic combination, to create a personalized advertising image ads work in strengthening the intensity of visual discrimination, while the use of color generate symbolic associations, support ad text continued on the specific content of advertising, brand, corporate image prompt, deepen the understanding of consumers to the content. Therefore, in considering the composition of neon colors, be sure to order the company. The company, the product of the standard color-based. "McDonald's" fast food of neon signs, light bulbs by the numerous orange form "M" shaped letters shining in the night sky, a sign that its "M" shaped letters Here is one of the McDonald's standard color - red, the neon artistic treatment of the full color display its flag and the standard color characteristics. Surrounded by orange and red in the "Me Donald's" embellished with light blue color prioritize, the overall sense. Neon letter shaped by the Japanese Kenwood stereo color white, red and yellow in color, three color logo is the standard color Kenwood products and complementary colors. Another example is Matsushita Electric's neon signs from red and blue colors, with no extra color during doping. These brands of neon above the main tone, with the company, corporate, product logo and support the standard color hue match. If only the blind pursuit of colorful, in the standard color matched with others around the green, purple, green and other colors, from the color of the type of point of view seems to be some more color, but Instead it dilutes the company, product logo Standard color, play overwhelming and unnecessary side effects. If you have to match other colors, it can only choose the color of their main colors are similar. If accompanied by yellow in the yellow, red of matching orange, dark blue, light blue and so accompanied. Such as a foil to contrast hue, only a small amount of limited play and active role in decorating. Design options in neon colors, it is necessary to enhance the brand, manufacturers of the corporate image as a starting point, through the neon lights of visual communication to enhance corporate and product image among consumers.
3, neon color fidelity - neon can reproduce its color fidelity of promotional merchandise and other related elements of the specific image to a rich vivid colors to attract and impress the consumers. The success of the performance of color, can strengthen the advertising works, the image of a sense of specific objects in the brightness and produce compelling aspects of realism, exciting appeal. Yellow River Road, Shanghai food on the street a few meters up to the "big rich seafood restaurant" volley the neon signs on stands, occupying two-fifths of a huge area of design vividly red lobster, red vivid color gives strong visual; impact, people watering, the Yellow River Road in colorful food on the street, in a large number of neon base. The unique design of its vivid colors. Neon color works verisimilitude, make contact with the consumer goods in the production of the product before the good impression, establish a trust to play a good brand image in advertising and promotion role.
4, the refinement of neon colors - beautiful neon colors not only make the audience understand the content of the advertisements conveyed information of enterprises to effectively meet your marketing purposes, but also give the United States in the spirit of enjoyment. Colorful life and the satisfaction of material needs, but also formed the aesthetic needs of people of color, beautiful color is the pursuit and longing, it would give the United States and the association, and placed a beautiful reverie and hope. A lot of advertising work in the implementation of the ad campaign, due to design beautiful, color coordinated in place, while the prolonged stay in the minds of consumers, carefully taste, and a calendar period of advertising aesthetics masterpiece. Material life and spiritual life as a pleasure, a noble beauty Tao; Taiwan. Some upscale bars, in order to create a quiet, warm, elegant environment and atmosphere, green, blue or purple, the Neon made into the woods, classical architecture, the shape of mountains and rivers, so that consumers immersive linger, both to achieve the purpose of marketing, but also cultivate the sentiment.
Neon color conversion
The first neon produced in France, cafes, coffee shops were mainly as a symbol and decoration, decoration or as entertainment. With the commercial development, shopping malls, hotels and hotel industries have introduced extensive use of neon signs, especially in the festival, active, jumping, is constantly changing dynamic, conversion of neon signs, more festive color to add a warm, Huan atmosphere of celebration. In Colorful, loud and noisy neon neon world of stand out, often the rich changes, jumping, dynamic neon.
Neon tube can be bent into various shapes needed, can change the form of rich and varied. Dynamic, conversion of neon, because of its relatively large activity, so the introduction of companies, enterprises, products and other signs of the elements of a standardized color do color, when color to evolve and change, still can not leave the standard color and the color of the auxiliary between the main and secondary relationships, that is, transform them in various colors, whether gradual or jump sequence transformation, enterprise standard color in neon on the time and appeared in the occupied area, length and color better than aid Great. Neon color changing color and tone from computer programs to regulate and control, even in the number of advertisements. Forms, multiple colors rolled, the guest of honor have to pay attention to clear, focused, companies, enterprises should be the dominant standard color. Dynamic neon should be together and not dispersed, not to pursue "leap" and gives the feeling of clutter, regardless of what color, what pattern, there should be gradual and jumping in order to give the audience a kind of sense of order, primary and secondary influenza and to facilitate the audience down a regular rhythm and then look at the second and third time. In design, they need to give people the attractiveness of changes, but also prioritize, no sense of color and pattern disorders. Transform, flashing neon lights leap to promote sales, to create a fun, colorful life is more and more attention has been paid and welcome.

5, neon works

1, China has promulgated standards:
1. Neon (light boxes) Technical Regulations;
2. Neon transformer safety and performance requirements;
3. Neon Electronic Transformer safety and performance requirements.

Second, the standards have not yet developed:
1. Standard neon fluorescent tubes (pink tube, clear tube, CPT);
2. Neon tube (cold cathode neon light);
3. Low-voltage neon transformer safety and performance requirements;
4. Neon lights in general and safety requirements;
5. China neon jargon and terminology;
6. Neon Electrode safety requirements and general requirements;
7. Neon insulation standard stent;
8. Neon program controller general and safety requirements (Micro-style, mechanical, electromechanical, electronic).

Third, the discussion of these topics
1. Whether the criteria have been applied on the actual situation in China? The need for changes and additions perfect?
2. Neon not yet established the relevant standards should be included in the content and scope? Current market norms which needed?
3. To implement the specific standards for action?

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