Scrolling light box-type multi-screen access to the three functions with Bao Lan

Often seen in the street called scrolling light box-style reading Bao Lan, with technological advances, are now, there is a new form of light box style reading Baolan in our perspective, it not only more innovative style and function and more powerful than before and whether the actual results from the use of its technology or process design, has some advanced and scientific.

This new scrolling light box-type function of reading Bao Lan is one of the city with the beautification of the function, because of its delicate and beautiful appearance, and the colorful effect of publicity at night, and with the major cities are now advocated the construction of new City formed a high degree of harmony and unity, and to a large extent, it shows a city's economic strength and cultural development;

The second major function of scrolling light boxes for the masses who have the convenience and service for the masses, as a new reading Bao Lan, it first is to possess the role of cultural information, it's everywhere, and information in a comprehensive Bu Jin Ji great convenience to people's lives, and this human setting is deeply into people's love;

New multi-screen scrolling light box-type reading Bao Lan also has a strong effect of increasing the role of advertising, which is another new advertising models, and maximize the realization of the ads.
| Updated:2010.06.29    Source:    Clicks:4271